Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 32

Finally caught up on my blogging. :)
Wednesday :)

School today and some minor things at the property, ended up with 13533 steps for the day :)

Eats and drinks

multi grain cheerios, milk

tostitos chips and salsa


1/2 of Wendy's blt cobb salad, water


chicken stir fry, breadstick, water
2 whole wheat rolls with peanut butter

calories 1248
carbs 123
fat 47
protein 82

I ran out of those Mona vie active supplements on Monday, not sure if they helped or not.
I keep forgetting to take my green tea, so I am sure that doesnt help, lol

Day 31


Only 8106 steps today.. very slow crummy sleepy sort of homework filled day.

Eats and drinks


peanut butter sandwich


sausage mc griddle


sauteed chicken with tomatoes, whole wheat pasta, italian bread, lettuce with italian dressing and carrots, cheese
calories 1169
carbs 139
fat 59
protein 50

Day 30

Wow 30 days of blogging...


I worked this morning and worked at our property some. I got in 43,567 steps for the day! CRAZYYYYYY
Six glasses of water and six servings of fruits and veggies :)

Eats and drinks:


oatmeal, raisins, almonds, water


peanutbutter on whole wheat, fruit cup, tapioca pudding and half of a reuben, water


lettuce, salsa, sour cream, pinto beans, whole wheat tortilla chips, cheese and pineapple

calories 1376
carbs 208
fat 57
protein 58

Day 29

Sunday! Weigh in day!

I cannot believe that even after having Valentines day last week, and eating chocolates and dinner at Texas Roadhouse, that I still managed to pull off a 3lb loss!
So now I am up to 10 pounds total!!! Exciting stuff. I can already feel some looseness in my pants :)
I worked today, so I got a ton of steps in! I made sure I packed me something to eat so not to get tempted by the vending machines ;)

Eats and drinks


cream of wheat and milk


salami, cream cheese, grapes, bell peppers, chips,fruit cocktail, water

boneless porkchop, boilded potatoes with cheese, mac and cheese, water


whole wheat roll x2, peanut butter and hershey bliss candy

calories 1411
carbs 167
fat 54
protein 64

only 5 glasses of water

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 28

Saturday :)

Worked early this morning, walked A LOT TODAY, 33,690 steps!!!!

Used the resistance bands some  :)

Eats and drinks:

toast and cheese, banana, and almonds, water

tapioca pudding, peanut butter sandwich, fruit cocktail, water

lettuce, sour cream, cheese, pinto beans, multi grain scoops, fruit cup, water

I had a snack of:
Progresso soup and crackers, water and pineapple slices

1231 calories
189 carbs
62 fat
50 protein

actually went above on fat for the day :(

7 glasses of water

Tomorrow is weigh in day, wish me luck, It may not be good!

Day 27


Busy day.. Got to go do some work at our property, so I got quite a few steps in for the day :) I wrote down the number but unfortunately when I cleaned my desk I think I through my note out. DOH!

Eats and drinks:

Orange juice, blueberry wheat pancakes, turkey bacon, water

Turkey, cheese, italian bread, boiled potatoes, and pineapple slices, water



pepperidge farm crackers

1138 calories
5 glasses of water
155 carbs
41 fat
45 protein

within all goals :)

Needed more water though!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 27


Today I had another exam and practical. This time for Phelebotomy :) So not as stressful, thank goodness.

14802 steps for the day, maybe a few more since I am not sleepy yet. I count my steps from the time I get up, until I go to bed.

I decided to try this product I got as a sample a few weeks back. It is called Mona Vie. It is a acai complex, supposed to make you more active. You drink 2 little bottles a day. It's not to bad.

I also decided to start taking my green tea supplements again. I took 1 today, and forgot to take the 2nd dose. Big surprise, lol

I did purchase me a mini Pilates ball, to start doing some exercises I seen with a ball and resistance band. I got it blown up this evening, so tomorrow it will be all set. :) it came with a dvd, so I will have to check it out as well. (found some exercises from self magazine too)

I was going to get Zumba for the wii, however it is still like $40... So I may get Gold's gym dance workout wii game instead. The music seems more appealing to me with the Gold's gym dance workout, and it is only $19.99 at target.

I went to the grocery store, and picked up some more veggies, a little fruit, bottled water, and some health full bread. 

I also got signed up for the SELF jump start diet. It has a workout log, food diary, some Jillian Michael exercise's and tips, recipes and what appears to be a plan on how to lose weight.
From the site: 

You'll shed up to 2 pounds per week with our eat-right and exercise plan. We've got toning workouts and cardio you won't get bored with, and delicious, fat-blasting meals that we swear will keep you full and satisfied!

The work out is supposed to take only 16 minutes...

Eats and drinks for the day:


Multi grain cheerios in milk , banana, water


cottage cheese, carrots, almonds, toast, peanut butter, water


Turkey bacon, cheese, multi grain bagel, orange juice, bell pepper, almonds, plus water

Pillsbury sugar cookies

calories: 1373
carbs: 182
fat: 55
protein: 63

Within all my goals :)

6 glasses of water