Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 5

I did get to hit the gym today, for only 20 minutes. but that's a start, and it was 20 minutes on the bicycle. As far as steps go ..not so hot today .. just a little over 7k....BUT I am doing laundry now and that will add a few more plus give me a boost from up and down the stairs, lol/
This cold is dragging me down..UGH!!

12:30 pm
bowl of mini wheats, water

banana, granola bar, water

mini salad

2 slices of turkey, mashed potatoes, tea

and a doughnut for dessert

10 hrs of sleep!!!!!!!!

And I think that is to much sleep because I have been dragging all day! I really like keeping a record of activities and food, really makes me think about my choices.

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