Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 7

TGIF! :)
So last night after I posted my blog, I got to looking online and found a really neat site called Spark people. Its a really nice place to log in all sorts of things, from what you eat, how much you walked, what activities you did during the day, and so on. You also have other people to chat with that are doing the same thing you are. It's pretty cool so far!
Today I went for a quick grocery run, so not as much walking as I normally would do in a grocery store, lol, but I still ended my day with 9,000 steps, sooo CLOSE! Tomorrow I will hit 10k for sure!

Next week also starts my new mini fitness plan from Spark people. So on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I have a strength and cardio workout plan lined up for me.

Today's eats and drinks!

almonds, water

strawberry oatmeal, water

plain spicy chicken sandwich from Rally's, water

tortilla chips and taco hamburger helper, big red

strawberries,  small slice of orange soda cake, water

8hrs of sleep!!
I also got all my Math homework done for the week! That's a load off!

Tomorrow is weigh in day for me! Wish me luck!

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