Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just the beginning...

New Year.. a fresh start to a healthier improved me! No, I am not one of those people who made a new years resolution to lose weight... I actually chose not to make a resolution this year, but to set myself mini goals. Do I want to lose weight? Of course I do!! Do I need to lose weight? For sure! BUT I also want to be healthy and I do not intend to try "fad" dieting techniques.
This blog is my way of making myself more accountable. A way of sharing my journey, through the good times and bad...Will anyone actually read or subscribe to my blog? Hard to say really...but I am putting myself out there. 

Now that I have thrown that all out there, let me tell you a little about me.
I am a mother of a 3yr old little girl, I go to college full time, I have a part time job, I also do photography (when time allows it)...I like to do couponing and buy/sell things on Facebooks garage sale groups...I stay very busy!

I do have a gym membership to Anytime Fitness, that sad to say has been collecting dust for a month or so. However on Thursday I actually made it over to the gym for a quick 30min workout. It's a start right? Especially since it has been a while since I last worked out.

One of my mini goals is: to drink at least 8-8oz glasses of water daily OR 4-5~ 16.9oz bottles of water.
Another goal: Be more active in general.

I am also really wanting to start walking every day, makes me wish I had a treadmill, because it is FREEZING outside!

I think this is a good start ..

Wish me Luck!

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