Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 11

Today was supposed to be my gym after class day.. Unfortunately I overslept and didn't even make it to class today :( Nothing workout related really got accomplished today, I only got 4000 steps in, very lousy bummed out sort of day. Tomorrow is a new day, hopefully I can work out after class tomorrow. I have been thinking, and I have decided to photograph some of the meals that I make off of spark people. I actually took a photo graph of today's lunch and dinner. Maybe it can give a better sense of what exactly I am eating. Of course I doubt I will photograph EVERYTHING, but I will do my best to take some pics of some yummy items. Oh and do not mind my fine china (aka paper plates, lol).

Eats and drinks:

Milk, raisins, oatmeal, almonds and cinnamon, water

Salami cream cheese rolls, bell peppers, grapes,(low fat) chips, and water
(this is of course before I rolled the salami and cream cheese into rolls to eat)

Home made chicken fried rice, (brown rice, peas, egg, and carrots, also soy sauce and olive oil)water

snack :
pineapple, water

total calories:1206
carbs: 120
protein: 70
fat: 53

Water drank: 8 glasses

8 hours of sleep

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