Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 14


Today was sorta productive.. We went over to our property and worked on cleaning up some of the mess that was left behind, 2 hours worth of walking around picking up sticks, sorting through trash and bagging it up/burning the burnable items. So I ended my steps for the day at 8304. Not that great, but not to shabby. Today I did stray from my meal plan, BUT I kept in line with my healthy eating and caloric intake standards :)

Eats and drinks!

bacon, lettuce, tomato, and 2 slices of whole wheat toast, water

A Tuscan flat-bread pizza from Fazolis (only 480 calories), water

Turkey, swiss cheese, tomato, 2 slices of italian bread (toasted) some pickles and baked lays, water

Cucumber slices

So I ended up with:

1298 in calories
137 carbs
53 in fat
69 protein
and 9 glasses of water
and 6 total servings of fruit and veggies

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