Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 23

Sunday! Weigh in day!

According to the scale, I have lost 1/2 a lb for the week. Of course I weighed in after just eating and I needed to potty. And of course the time of the month going on. I am just glad to see it move. :) I know next week will be better :)I worked today, so I got a lot of steps in :19930 :)I cannot wait for the Reach walking thing they do in the spring and fall. This time I am really going to be stepping up! Hopefully win a prize too!
Tomorrow we are going to our property to do some work, I hope it is nice so we can get some more stuff accomplished, and that means I will be burning some calories :)
I am also going to start using my resistance bands tomorrow.
I measured myself today for the first time in a long time. It says to do it monthly, so that is what I plan on doing. I want to see those inches fade away, lol

Eats and drinks

oatmeal, raisins, almonds, and water

Pudding cup, trail mix and grapes, water

vegetarian chili, crackers, small hamburger (no bun) small brownie, water

Only 6 glasses of water today
carbs: 137
fat: 50
protein 58

None went above goal :)

9hrs of sleep

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