Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 19

Today was pretty lame as far as exercising goes. I hardly walked any , only 5102 steps, and I tried to go to the gym only to find NO parking spaces...  I know what a lame excuse, but it is to cold to have to go to another place to park and walk to the gym. I did do some random exercising with my daughter, it was cute her trying to do the exercises with me :) I did stay within my calorie range for the day :) You may wonder how I keep track of what I eat and drink on a daily basis, and still be able to write a blog about it a day or 2 later sometimes. Well I use spark people to log my food, and exercise, and water on a daily basis.

Eats and drinks:

Multigrain cheerios, and half of a banana, water

grapes, potato chops, salami rolls, bell pepper and turkey..water

fiber one bar

Chicken, couscous, tomato, cottage cheese, Italian dressing and strawberries, water

Late night snack
of a few potato chips

Total calories: 1400
Fat: 42
carbs: 153
protein : 88

7 glasses of water
9hrs of sleep

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