Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 27


Today I had another exam and practical. This time for Phelebotomy :) So not as stressful, thank goodness.

14802 steps for the day, maybe a few more since I am not sleepy yet. I count my steps from the time I get up, until I go to bed.

I decided to try this product I got as a sample a few weeks back. It is called Mona Vie. It is a acai complex, supposed to make you more active. You drink 2 little bottles a day. It's not to bad.

I also decided to start taking my green tea supplements again. I took 1 today, and forgot to take the 2nd dose. Big surprise, lol

I did purchase me a mini Pilates ball, to start doing some exercises I seen with a ball and resistance band. I got it blown up this evening, so tomorrow it will be all set. :) it came with a dvd, so I will have to check it out as well. (found some exercises from self magazine too)

I was going to get Zumba for the wii, however it is still like $40... So I may get Gold's gym dance workout wii game instead. The music seems more appealing to me with the Gold's gym dance workout, and it is only $19.99 at target.

I went to the grocery store, and picked up some more veggies, a little fruit, bottled water, and some health full bread. 

I also got signed up for the SELF jump start diet. It has a workout log, food diary, some Jillian Michael exercise's and tips, recipes and what appears to be a plan on how to lose weight.
From the site: 

You'll shed up to 2 pounds per week with our eat-right and exercise plan. We've got toning workouts and cardio you won't get bored with, and delicious, fat-blasting meals that we swear will keep you full and satisfied!

The work out is supposed to take only 16 minutes...

Eats and drinks for the day:


Multi grain cheerios in milk , banana, water


cottage cheese, carrots, almonds, toast, peanut butter, water


Turkey bacon, cheese, multi grain bagel, orange juice, bell pepper, almonds, plus water

Pillsbury sugar cookies

calories: 1373
carbs: 182
fat: 55
protein: 63

Within all my goals :)

6 glasses of water

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