Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 26


So stressed out today over my anatomy and physiology test. So i went to the gym for a quick 20 minute workout.
I also tried doing some random exercises with my daughter and with my resistance band.

As far as steps go, I managed to do 14,551 steps for the day :)
It feels like all I did was eat today since I woke up so early :(

Eats and Drinks:

bacon, scrambled eggs, orange juice

tostitos chips, salsa, sour cream, cheese

Lettuce, chicken,tomato  (I used what was left from my salsa, cheese, sourcream mix from lunch and added it to my salad) and a few more tostitos chips crunched up

2 multi grain rolls, with peanut butter and a banana

Elmers chocolate

I actually went over in fat and under in carbs today. First time I have done either since doing these meal plans.
7 glasses of water

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