Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 32

Finally caught up on my blogging. :)
Wednesday :)

School today and some minor things at the property, ended up with 13533 steps for the day :)

Eats and drinks

multi grain cheerios, milk

tostitos chips and salsa


1/2 of Wendy's blt cobb salad, water


chicken stir fry, breadstick, water
2 whole wheat rolls with peanut butter

calories 1248
carbs 123
fat 47
protein 82

I ran out of those Mona vie active supplements on Monday, not sure if they helped or not.
I keep forgetting to take my green tea, so I am sure that doesnt help, lol

Day 31


Only 8106 steps today.. very slow crummy sleepy sort of homework filled day.

Eats and drinks


peanut butter sandwich


sausage mc griddle


sauteed chicken with tomatoes, whole wheat pasta, italian bread, lettuce with italian dressing and carrots, cheese
calories 1169
carbs 139
fat 59
protein 50

Day 30

Wow 30 days of blogging...


I worked this morning and worked at our property some. I got in 43,567 steps for the day! CRAZYYYYYY
Six glasses of water and six servings of fruits and veggies :)

Eats and drinks:


oatmeal, raisins, almonds, water


peanutbutter on whole wheat, fruit cup, tapioca pudding and half of a reuben, water


lettuce, salsa, sour cream, pinto beans, whole wheat tortilla chips, cheese and pineapple

calories 1376
carbs 208
fat 57
protein 58

Day 29

Sunday! Weigh in day!

I cannot believe that even after having Valentines day last week, and eating chocolates and dinner at Texas Roadhouse, that I still managed to pull off a 3lb loss!
So now I am up to 10 pounds total!!! Exciting stuff. I can already feel some looseness in my pants :)
I worked today, so I got a ton of steps in! I made sure I packed me something to eat so not to get tempted by the vending machines ;)

Eats and drinks


cream of wheat and milk


salami, cream cheese, grapes, bell peppers, chips,fruit cocktail, water

boneless porkchop, boilded potatoes with cheese, mac and cheese, water


whole wheat roll x2, peanut butter and hershey bliss candy

calories 1411
carbs 167
fat 54
protein 64

only 5 glasses of water

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 28

Saturday :)

Worked early this morning, walked A LOT TODAY, 33,690 steps!!!!

Used the resistance bands some  :)

Eats and drinks:

toast and cheese, banana, and almonds, water

tapioca pudding, peanut butter sandwich, fruit cocktail, water

lettuce, sour cream, cheese, pinto beans, multi grain scoops, fruit cup, water

I had a snack of:
Progresso soup and crackers, water and pineapple slices

1231 calories
189 carbs
62 fat
50 protein

actually went above on fat for the day :(

7 glasses of water

Tomorrow is weigh in day, wish me luck, It may not be good!

Day 27


Busy day.. Got to go do some work at our property, so I got quite a few steps in for the day :) I wrote down the number but unfortunately when I cleaned my desk I think I through my note out. DOH!

Eats and drinks:

Orange juice, blueberry wheat pancakes, turkey bacon, water

Turkey, cheese, italian bread, boiled potatoes, and pineapple slices, water



pepperidge farm crackers

1138 calories
5 glasses of water
155 carbs
41 fat
45 protein

within all goals :)

Needed more water though!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 27


Today I had another exam and practical. This time for Phelebotomy :) So not as stressful, thank goodness.

14802 steps for the day, maybe a few more since I am not sleepy yet. I count my steps from the time I get up, until I go to bed.

I decided to try this product I got as a sample a few weeks back. It is called Mona Vie. It is a acai complex, supposed to make you more active. You drink 2 little bottles a day. It's not to bad.

I also decided to start taking my green tea supplements again. I took 1 today, and forgot to take the 2nd dose. Big surprise, lol

I did purchase me a mini Pilates ball, to start doing some exercises I seen with a ball and resistance band. I got it blown up this evening, so tomorrow it will be all set. :) it came with a dvd, so I will have to check it out as well. (found some exercises from self magazine too)

I was going to get Zumba for the wii, however it is still like $40... So I may get Gold's gym dance workout wii game instead. The music seems more appealing to me with the Gold's gym dance workout, and it is only $19.99 at target.

I went to the grocery store, and picked up some more veggies, a little fruit, bottled water, and some health full bread. 

I also got signed up for the SELF jump start diet. It has a workout log, food diary, some Jillian Michael exercise's and tips, recipes and what appears to be a plan on how to lose weight.
From the site: 

You'll shed up to 2 pounds per week with our eat-right and exercise plan. We've got toning workouts and cardio you won't get bored with, and delicious, fat-blasting meals that we swear will keep you full and satisfied!

The work out is supposed to take only 16 minutes...

Eats and drinks for the day:


Multi grain cheerios in milk , banana, water


cottage cheese, carrots, almonds, toast, peanut butter, water


Turkey bacon, cheese, multi grain bagel, orange juice, bell pepper, almonds, plus water

Pillsbury sugar cookies

calories: 1373
carbs: 182
fat: 55
protein: 63

Within all my goals :)

6 glasses of water

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 26


So stressed out today over my anatomy and physiology test. So i went to the gym for a quick 20 minute workout.
I also tried doing some random exercises with my daughter and with my resistance band.

As far as steps go, I managed to do 14,551 steps for the day :)
It feels like all I did was eat today since I woke up so early :(

Eats and Drinks:

bacon, scrambled eggs, orange juice

tostitos chips, salsa, sour cream, cheese

Lettuce, chicken,tomato  (I used what was left from my salsa, cheese, sourcream mix from lunch and added it to my salad) and a few more tostitos chips crunched up

2 multi grain rolls, with peanut butter and a banana

Elmers chocolate

I actually went over in fat and under in carbs today. First time I have done either since doing these meal plans.
7 glasses of water

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spark People

Here are a few links for you to try Spark People! 

   Want to know how many calories you ate today? Use this quick search!

Food Search: 

Join me at:

Join the Web's Only Nutrition & Fitness Program Just For Teens! Diet

Free Calorie Counter at

Day 25

Tuesday, Valentine's Day

I was able to hit the gym for 35 minutes today! YAY.
I also got in a total of 18417 steps!
I tell you what, I am doing pretty good on staying over the 10 k mark now, and it feels AWESOME!
I did get a box of chocolate for Valentines day, it may be my downfall....

Eats and drinks:


Banana, cheese, salsa, turkey, whole wheat wrap, water


fruit cocktail, water
whole wheat crackers, progresso soup, elmers chocolate (told you)


strawberries, whole wheat pasta, chicken, carrots and peppers, 1 slice of Italian bread, water


6 glasses of water
7 servings of fruit and veggies

My down fall was waking up in the early AM and eating 2 slices of pizza.. major bummer, totally ruined my 1268 in previous calories consumed.

Day 24


Today I was supposed to work on our property, but last night it snowed and it is soo cold outside!
I did manage to get some walking in. 17187 steps!! So not to bad.
We did go out and celebrate Valentine's Day early. So I had Texas Roadhouse for Dinner. :)

Eats and Drinks:


2 slices of whole wheat bread, peanut butter, and orange juice

Lunch/dinner combo (texas roadhouse)

1 roll, 1 side of green beans, fried pickles, 1/2 a serving of fries, 2 bites of chicken, and a chocolate coconut egg for dessert
(2 glasses of water during supper)

I still stayed under my goal in calories

860 calories total!! for the day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 23

Sunday! Weigh in day!

According to the scale, I have lost 1/2 a lb for the week. Of course I weighed in after just eating and I needed to potty. And of course the time of the month going on. I am just glad to see it move. :) I know next week will be better :)I worked today, so I got a lot of steps in :19930 :)I cannot wait for the Reach walking thing they do in the spring and fall. This time I am really going to be stepping up! Hopefully win a prize too!
Tomorrow we are going to our property to do some work, I hope it is nice so we can get some more stuff accomplished, and that means I will be burning some calories :)
I am also going to start using my resistance bands tomorrow.
I measured myself today for the first time in a long time. It says to do it monthly, so that is what I plan on doing. I want to see those inches fade away, lol

Eats and drinks

oatmeal, raisins, almonds, and water

Pudding cup, trail mix and grapes, water

vegetarian chili, crackers, small hamburger (no bun) small brownie, water

Only 6 glasses of water today
carbs: 137
fat: 50
protein 58

None went above goal :)

9hrs of sleep

Day 22


Has anyone tried the new product Vitamin gum? I have been chewing it a few days now, it is okay I guess.
I almost forgot to mention that I got myself a few resistance bands to start using. I paid quite a bit for 1 and then I found 2 in the dollar bins at Target so I got them too.
My daughter and I had a fun day out together, so I did eat some fast food. I have no idea my calories for the day, probably horrible!

We did do some walking, 14876 in steps! :)


Waffle, peanut butter, oikos yogurt, water

whole wheat pita, turkey, cheese, cucumber, fruit cup, water


1/2 of a reuben from Arbys , water

chicken manaria flat bread from Target and a child fry from Mc donalds, water

Chocolate valentines day heart

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Third week of BLOG!

I cannot believe I have been writing on this blog page for 3 weeks now. Time flies! And it has been almost 2 week of me following the meal plans from spark people. :)
Today I worked... and I worked hard, lol. Somewhere at work or on my way home I lost my pedometer. I was distraught about it and I had to go buy a new one. I know I walked well over 10, 000 steps. Just after getting home after 7 and putting it on I walked almost 2000 steps before I went to bed at 9. So I now have a new one. :) Sunday will be weigh in day , let's hope for more good results this week. :) However, it is that time of the month, so I have really been trying not to give into temptations and cravings.  I did have that serving of m & m's yesterday and today I had 2 doughnuts, which I felt really bad about for 2 reasons: 1, they really didn't taste that good, and 2, they consumed a whole meals worth of points without being that filling. So not worth eating them in the long run. 

Eats and drinks:

Multigrain cheerios, milk, half of a banana, water

2 doughnuts, popcorn chicken, water

Vegetarian chili, cheese and crackers, water
This was pretty tasty, a little spicy, but delicious!

Total calories: 1441
carbs: 196
fat: 51
protein: 53

Barely squeezed in all the categories today. I have learned my lesson with doughnuts though.

9 glasses of water drank.
4 hours of sleep

Day 20


I did get to go to the gym today. I did a 20 min workout, 10 mins on the bicycle and 10 mins on the treadmill. I walked a total of 9000 steps.

Eats and drinks:


oatmeal, raisins, almonds, milk, water



Baked potato with cheese and sour cream, lettuce, tortilla chips , pinto beans, tomato, water
1 serving of m & M's

Total calories:1120
Carbs: 151
Fat: 33
Protein: 60
Within daily goals still

Only 6 glasses of water

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 19

Today was pretty lame as far as exercising goes. I hardly walked any , only 5102 steps, and I tried to go to the gym only to find NO parking spaces...  I know what a lame excuse, but it is to cold to have to go to another place to park and walk to the gym. I did do some random exercising with my daughter, it was cute her trying to do the exercises with me :) I did stay within my calorie range for the day :) You may wonder how I keep track of what I eat and drink on a daily basis, and still be able to write a blog about it a day or 2 later sometimes. Well I use spark people to log my food, and exercise, and water on a daily basis.

Eats and drinks:

Multigrain cheerios, and half of a banana, water

grapes, potato chops, salami rolls, bell pepper and turkey..water

fiber one bar

Chicken, couscous, tomato, cottage cheese, Italian dressing and strawberries, water

Late night snack
of a few potato chips

Total calories: 1400
Fat: 42
carbs: 153
protein : 88

7 glasses of water
9hrs of sleep

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 18

Tuesday! I did get to go work out after class today, 25 mins on the treadmill! 24023 total steps today! woot woot! I did have to take a nap again today, lol
School the next 2 days.. bleh!

Eats and drinks:

2 slices of italian bread, cheese and pineapple, water

cheese, half of banana, lettuce, turkey, whole wheat pita, almonds and water

sauteed chicken with tomatoes and green chilies, whole wheat linguine,cottage cheese,  1 slice of italian bread, water
lettuce and turkey, water
and 3 wafer cookies

7 glasses of water today

total calories: 1414
carbs 166
fat 43
protein 99

All still in acceptable ranges, tomorrow I am going to go for less calories though, these past few days I have been on the higher ends of my rage for calories. I just need to stay FOCUSED on the prize! :)

Day 17

Monday! I worked super early today! And of course I had to take a nap, lol I walked 21656 steps today!!

Eats and drinks:

Bowl of multigrain cheerios, banana, water

baked potato, cheese, sour cream, pinto beans, celery,  peanut butter and water

Turkey bacon, whole wheat bagel, orange juice, cheese, peanut butter, bell pepper, water
It was delicious!


total calories: 1326
carbs 176
fat 47
protein 61

7 glasses of water

Everything within acceptable range :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday, Weigh in Day!

Today is weigh in day! And I feel like all I did today was EAT! My weigh in showed that I lost 5.5lbs!!!!!!!!!!! Excited!! I hope I can do that every week!
I worked 8 hours this morning/afternoon, and I have been exhausted, so I did have to take a nap today.  I tried a new Crystal light energy drink mix flavoring for my water in Citrus flavor. Let's just say YUCK, way to sour tasting!  I also did 20 mins of exercise on the wii tonight.And walked a total of 31375 steps! My highest yet!

Foods and drinks:

waffle, peanut butter, strawberries, yogurt, water

2 mini cinnamon rolls (so not worth 130 calories, was kinda yucky)

cajun turkey, cheese, whole wheat pita, fruit cup, cucumber, water

2 slices of Italian bread, salami, turkey, cheese, grapes, tomato, water  

Progresso chicken and dumpling soup, whole wheat crackers, chocolate chip cookie and water

Total of 11 glasses of water!
1hr of sleep plus a big nap

Total calories for the day: 1451
carbs 174
fat 65
protein 82

Fat was over my goal, but the others are in range for the day.
A lot of food today, It was a very long day.

Day 15

Saturday! :)

Today was a cold, wet, dreary day. I did go get some groceries, so I got my steps over 10k, with a total of: 13123! :) made it over that goal of 10k a day! Stuck to my spark people food choices today! Was delicious!!

Food and drink:

strawberries, cheese, salsa, whole wheat tortilla, turkey
Lunch :
Cheese, cajun turkey, whole wheat pita, bell pepper, almonds and grapes

whole wheat tortilla, cheese, tomato, sour cream, cajun turkey, and fruit cocktail

2 pillsbury sugar cookies

Total calories:1357
Carbs: 154
Fat 43
protein 98

All still within my daily goals.
only 5 glasses of water though :(
9hrs of sleep 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 14


Today was sorta productive.. We went over to our property and worked on cleaning up some of the mess that was left behind, 2 hours worth of walking around picking up sticks, sorting through trash and bagging it up/burning the burnable items. So I ended my steps for the day at 8304. Not that great, but not to shabby. Today I did stray from my meal plan, BUT I kept in line with my healthy eating and caloric intake standards :)

Eats and drinks!

bacon, lettuce, tomato, and 2 slices of whole wheat toast, water

A Tuscan flat-bread pizza from Fazolis (only 480 calories), water

Turkey, swiss cheese, tomato, 2 slices of italian bread (toasted) some pickles and baked lays, water

Cucumber slices

So I ended up with:

1298 in calories
137 carbs
53 in fat
69 protein
and 9 glasses of water
and 6 total servings of fruit and veggies

Day 13


Today was a fairly good day. Right off the bat today my hubby made mention that he thought it looked like I had lost some weight :)
Plus I got to stop by the gym and get in a 30 min workout on the treadmill!
my steps for the day were at 21,514!! :)
We went late night searching for Johnny Depp, but failed.

Eats and drinks:

cream of wheat, (with milk)and 4oz of apple juice, and water

hard boiled egg, cheese, tomato, fruit cocktail, almonds, whole wheat crackers and water

Chicken breast, salad, cheese, italian dressing, 2 slices of italian bread, water
Turkey, water

I ended the day with 9 glasses of water!!
1202 calories
118 carbs
39 fat
97 Protein

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 12

Wednesday! Good ole hump day! lol
Today I have a long Anatomy class, and the day always seems to go by without getting much else done it seems. I was sticking pretty good to my spark people menus, but I did lapse in my dinner tonight and have something not listed. Hopefully I still stayed within my calorie goal for the day though. I didnt get to work out, I really need to get back in the work out habit.

Eats and drinks:

strawberries, yogurt, waffle with peanut butter, water

cottage cheese, hummus, whole wheat crackers, carrots, pineapple and peanut butter, water

Biscuits and gravy, water

So I am thinking that I was really close to topping out my calories for the day, maybe even go over them just a little bit with the whole biscuits and gravy dish. However, I am not going to make going over a normal happening. That is the difference.

8 glasses of water

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 11

Today was supposed to be my gym after class day.. Unfortunately I overslept and didn't even make it to class today :( Nothing workout related really got accomplished today, I only got 4000 steps in, very lousy bummed out sort of day. Tomorrow is a new day, hopefully I can work out after class tomorrow. I have been thinking, and I have decided to photograph some of the meals that I make off of spark people. I actually took a photo graph of today's lunch and dinner. Maybe it can give a better sense of what exactly I am eating. Of course I doubt I will photograph EVERYTHING, but I will do my best to take some pics of some yummy items. Oh and do not mind my fine china (aka paper plates, lol).

Eats and drinks:

Milk, raisins, oatmeal, almonds and cinnamon, water

Salami cream cheese rolls, bell peppers, grapes,(low fat) chips, and water
(this is of course before I rolled the salami and cream cheese into rolls to eat)

Home made chicken fried rice, (brown rice, peas, egg, and carrots, also soy sauce and olive oil)water

snack :
pineapple, water

total calories:1206
carbs: 120
protein: 70
fat: 53

Water drank: 8 glasses

8 hours of sleep

Day 10

Monday...They are always wonderful right? lol
I did have to work a short shift today a big 4hours.
So I got in quite a few steps! :)  23579 !!

Meals and drinks:
strawberries, waffle with peanut butter, yogurt, water

Cheese, turkey, tortilla chips, sour cream, salsa and pineapple, water

Whole wheat pasta, tomatoes, chicken, olive oil , seasonings,lettuce and parm cheese, water

fruit cup

Total of 1128 calories, and 7 glasses of water

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 9

Today is Sunday, I weighed in today. I actually lost 1lb. That's not much, but it's a start!!
Steps today 25196 !! I worked today for 6hours. So most of my walking was done there.

Eats and drinks:

Cheese, tortilla, salsa, and turkey, water

Cottage cheese, turkey, hummus, whole wheat crackers, tomatoes, water

Cheese, lettuce, tortilla chips, sour cream, water

grapes and carrots, water

7 glasses of water total

924 calories total , but I did have a chocolate heart which was 140 calories, =1024 cal

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 8


Today I worked pretty much all day. While working I wore my pedometer. and guess what!!!?!?! I walked a grand total of 25767 steps for the day!!!! A little over 15 miles!! That's crazy!! And today was a slow day for me at work. But I did work 8hours. Tomorrow I work 6, so lets see how that goes. Plus we are supposed to take our daughter to the indoor park so she can run some steam off, lol. Should be a good day!
I also went and walked around the store a little bit to get groceries, but by then I was at 21k so at least 10 miles at work, lol

I am trying out Spark Peoples food plans.
So today I went with what they had, minus just a couple items.

9hrs of sleep!!


tortilla wrap, cheese, salsa and turkey breast, water


grapes, carrots, salami, cream cheese, chips, water


grapes, lettuce, cheese, 2 hard boiled eggs, tortilla chips, water

Right around 1000 calories

I was scheduled a snack as well but I didn't have one, besides a candy cane, and a trick or treat size M&M's my boss gave me during work.

My husband and daughter had Mc Donald's, it was very tempting, but then I remembered how many calories was in that Rally's spicy chicken sandwich I had on Friday and that kept me away from fast food.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 7

TGIF! :)
So last night after I posted my blog, I got to looking online and found a really neat site called Spark people. Its a really nice place to log in all sorts of things, from what you eat, how much you walked, what activities you did during the day, and so on. You also have other people to chat with that are doing the same thing you are. It's pretty cool so far!
Today I went for a quick grocery run, so not as much walking as I normally would do in a grocery store, lol, but I still ended my day with 9,000 steps, sooo CLOSE! Tomorrow I will hit 10k for sure!

Next week also starts my new mini fitness plan from Spark people. So on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I have a strength and cardio workout plan lined up for me.

Today's eats and drinks!

almonds, water

strawberry oatmeal, water

plain spicy chicken sandwich from Rally's, water

tortilla chips and taco hamburger helper, big red

strawberries,  small slice of orange soda cake, water

8hrs of sleep!!
I also got all my Math homework done for the week! That's a load off!

Tomorrow is weigh in day for me! Wish me luck!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 6

Today wasn't so great in the Step category. Only a little over 6k. However I did go to bed early, even though I am already up now.
There are a few things I am going to do differently next week. So I have some new mini goals set.
One is to walk minimum of 10,000 steps a day (2miles) Hopefully the weather improves and I can get outside and get some walking in with my daughter. I am going to have to improvise on days that I am lacking enough steps.
Next goal is lowering and tracking my caloric intake daily.
I also read somewhere that you should drink 160z of water and eat something within 1hr of waking up, I am going to give it a try.

Meals/drinks for Thursday

Tortilla chips with rice, beans and chicken, dollop of sc, water

small slice of orange soda cake, water

handful of fries, popcorn chicken, water

1c of boiled potatoes, tea

around 8 I think it was I did have a candy cane.

Once I do actually start to lose weight, I am going to have a reward system in place. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Day 5

I did get to hit the gym today, for only 20 minutes. but that's a start, and it was 20 minutes on the bicycle. As far as steps go ..not so hot today .. just a little over 7k....BUT I am doing laundry now and that will add a few more plus give me a boost from up and down the stairs, lol/
This cold is dragging me down..UGH!!

12:30 pm
bowl of mini wheats, water

banana, granola bar, water

mini salad

2 slices of turkey, mashed potatoes, tea

and a doughnut for dessert

10 hrs of sleep!!!!!!!!

And I think that is to much sleep because I have been dragging all day! I really like keeping a record of activities and food, really makes me think about my choices.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 4

Over 10, 561 steps today!!! Going to have to start making my steps per day goal higher, 10k seems to be coming/happening to easily nowadays!
IHOP twice this week! I know shame on me!! BUT the MIL/FIL picked that spot to take us out to eat. I should have picked a healthy dish...alas I did not...
If ..if's and buts, were candy and nuts, we'd all be fat by Christmas.
I did get to the gym today, only a 25 min workout, but that is 25 more minutes than Monday!
If we get out of class early on wed, then I am hitting the gym again for another quickie!

Meals & snacks for the day

bowl of frosted mini wheats, water

2 sausage and egg burritos, water

bowl of chicken noodle soup, water

scrambled eggs, 1 pc of bacon, 2 strawberry cheesecake pancakes, water

almonds, tea

I think next week I may start adding in a calorie tracker.

3hrs of sleep and a 3hr nap.. UGH

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An article ....

Check out this article about

6 Diet Mistakes That Make You Fat

Day 3

Today was different. I was going to go to the gym, however I had to take my 3yr old to town with me, cannot work out with her along. So goes the story of my life. Anyways, I had a junky pedometer and now I have a new one that seems to be working out a lot better for me, it even keeps track of calories,distance and the time. So now when I am at work or wherever I have the time, no watch needed, yipee!
So after I put it on late this afternoon I had in over 6000 steps, so I know I did well over 10k today, which is AWESOME. All about moving and being more active. I did a lot of stair climbing since I had to do laundry today.I am hopefully heading to the gym tomorrow after my early morning class, I hope we get out early, it bores me so, lol.

Eats for today:

8hrs of sleep!

1:30 pm
2 plain Mc Chickens from Mc D's
Large sweet tea

snack a banana and a pear


1/4c of rice, 1/4 of a pork chop, 2 crescent rolls, Pepsi

I really need to remember to take my mulit vitamin...I am horrid at remembering that, lol.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 2

Today went by super fast!
My meals/snacks for the are as follows:

celery, carrots, banana and peanut butter, water

7.5hrs of sleep

2 strawberry cheesecake pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and water

banana and Fiber one granola bar

Small slice of pizza, salad with chicken in it (lettuce, carrots, tomato, cheese, celery, bacon bits, Italian dressing, tortilla strips and egg) water

banana, tea

I did track my steps today and I was well over 10,000. I think mostly because I had to work today and I walk a lot when I am at work.

Tomorrow I am going to hit the gym for a work out!

Step by step, day by day.. I will weigh in on Saturday and see if I have any improvement so far.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 1

I decided that if I am going to keep a record of my journey. That I should keep a daily food log as well. So I began with today's food and beverage choices.

ham and swiss on white bread, sweet pickles and water

7.5hrs of sleep

Kashi go lean crunch, with 1/4c of milk (on cereal)

roastbeef, swiss on white bread... Doritos, and a Big Red

Bowl of chili, grilled cheese, water

I do not feel that I usually eat so much bread, however today seemed to be a lot of bread consumed. And of course it had to be white, because I am out of wheat bread. :(

No exercise today.

I did venture outside once to check the mail,, ice skate all the way to the mail box and back on the icy yard.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

I have yet to make mention of how much weight I need to lose... We will just say it is a lot... and when I start to actually lose it, I will post and be happy with even the small victories! <3